Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My Venus Visit

Yesterday, I was in Venus *Love Planet* for my weekly visit there and I was stunned! *I'm always stunned by that place anyway.* Wandering the place, I saw most billboards with gorgeous anime babes! Not just that gorgeous, as in "gorgeous". *Yeah, you know what I mean.* How sick was that! No place in Earth *Not even in Japan I guess.* will be the place for ecchii images publicly! So you too should visit Venus to know what exactly I mean. I can't upload all the photos here cause some are just too revealing, obscene.

I don't mind walking here all day long...!

I don't mind passing these billboard by all day long...!

I don't mind cheering for these painters all day long...!

I don't mind using the escalator back and forth all day long...!

I don't mind if this building is still under construction...!

I don't mind standing here all day long...!

Obviously, I am just fooling around. There's no such place as Venus. *At least one livable place that I can visit on a weekly basis. I can't even do it in Japan for at least once a year.* Photos were only generated from Photofunia. Try it and love it!


Andrei-kun said...

Where's that???
Seems good to see but I never heard a Venus on Earth???

Maikaru said...

Oh, maybe you just read it halfway! Lolz

Just kidding! There's no such place on earth. I got you there. Photos were product of XDD

blood on the mirror said...


I've seen those before. I may plan to use those in the future XD

Maikaru said...

@Blood on the Mirror

Yeah, it's quite popular now since most of my office mates are friendster addicts and they're making fun with their photo there.

gunbuster said...

Wait, so those are fake...? Damn it! Mothersmurfer!

Maikaru said...

@ drieck

Sorry to disappoint you, but if ever I become the very first asian-american US president, I will make it a reality. XDD

blood on the mirror said...

@Maikaru>> That would be so cool though...although a lot of parents might kill you if you put those up in public.

You should make an island..just for people with those "interests"