I been more of an online reader these past few days, reading various posts and sensible rants around the blogsphere. As I'm doing such thing *take note* at work, ONE SUBJECT has been buggling my mind ever since, actually it has been on my mind long long ago, back when I've started researching about the anime titles before I buy, reading reviews about them from anywhere across the web just to satisfy my curiosity. Anyway that subject is; Anime Mediocrity. How can you say that an anime is mediocre? I just don't get it how other people rate certain animes to be no good at all? Same goes when someone talks good about it like the *best of all time* kinda praise so you begun wondering, why they came up with these? Do comments like that stop you exploring the other territories of anime 'cause they just say you shouldn't be wasting your time?
I find it funny when people talking like "unfortunately they didn't...", "very typical story of...", "I find *character's name* quite boring...", and "the sounds? oh you should just skip it..." and by factors like that animes are graded. What really should be in an anime you might think? Do reviewers should stick with pointing out that animes should have killer storyline/plot? Do characters be well designed and got these *out of these world* character developments? Does the music should drag your soul out from it's container for a moment, and after that will create song syndrome that will make you hum it in front of your angry professor and make him swear your ancestors?
Take for example Naruto and Bleach. Many anime bloggers are united in telling that Naruto and Bleach are bad, too bad that we shouldn't be watching them at the all. Their plot are simple *having these guy who will be the hope of mankind* and I feel sorry about that. Yes, they're suffering from "oh man I've seen those kind of thing" stuffs but who's not? It's been decades ago since the first anime was made and since then, the evolution of story became pretty significant. Plots have been recycled million times and were just enjoying some "little innovations" that these animes have inserted to give us what we'd all enjoying now. Sure some animes might serve entirely different things from what we are used to but that doesn't come very often and should not affect what we perceive others. Just like Music, lyrics have just been retold in different ways many times, the musical notes have just been rearranges many times, the way the instruments were played and stuff that if we will listen to it closely is just the same thing but still, even that said we're fond of Music and never stayed out of it's water.

More girls from Naruto
Of course our babes from Bleach
Trinity Blood is such a waste?

Think about the list below;
Storyline/Plot : Lucky Star, Doraemon, Yakitate Japan
Animation: Slam Dunk, Ranma 1/2 (just outdated)
Character Design and Development: The Ultimate Survivor Kaiji
Music: Lucky Star
What's my point?
That even though these animes lack some substance (example: right storyline for Lucky Star), they're still...if your an anime lover you know exactly what I mean.
Storyline/Plot : Lucky Star, Doraemon, Yakitate Japan
Animation: Slam Dunk, Ranma 1/2 (just outdated)
Character Design and Development: The Ultimate Survivor Kaiji
Music: Lucky Star
What's my point?
That even though these animes lack some substance (example: right storyline for Lucky Star), they're still...if your an anime lover you know exactly what I mean.
School Rumble has the tendency to compromise the plot just to make us laugh sometimes.
I remember watching Trinity Blood, and just by the first episode i had fun and decided to continue watching and man I fell in love with it. Even though I find some areas vague, I'm satisfied as anime fan. *And I do hope they make sequel* But if I say I've read it's review first hand, maybe I gone the other way, just forget about it and not be able to experience what I've experienced when I watch it. The bottom line is, reviewers doesn't really know what really interest you. But that must not work cause "ultimately, different people have different needs so different animes suit different people. It’s that simple!"

My Verdict
Just like what I've said, to create one of a kind anime is very though nowadays and to do such may compromise the whole thing. Some may can't fully understand the difficulties and might end up labeling an anime mediocre in the process. Needless to say, you watch or don't watch them because of so many different reasons, but either way you still have the final say and nothing should take that away from you. Final thoughts? There's no such thing as mediocre, you should just think "They just don't like it."
Just like what I've said, to create one of a kind anime is very though nowadays and to do such may compromise the whole thing. Some may can't fully understand the difficulties and might end up labeling an anime mediocre in the process. Needless to say, you watch or don't watch them because of so many different reasons, but either way you still have the final say and nothing should take that away from you. Final thoughts? There's no such thing as mediocre, you should just think "They just don't like it."
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