Kudos Alas, it's been a short but busy weekend for me! No, I'm just kidding, I never been busy when weekends and that's why I always looking forward to that! But work is, yes I also look forward and I really love *My head hurts* work. I love doing company's *I feel sleepy right now.* stuffs. Enough with these already! See what has been my weekend that i brag so much about. Don't worry these is short.
My workplace for the past 12 months now. The reason why I love these place!
From a very late sleep I managed to woke up, of course, late in the morning! After my usual heavy breakfast *I never skip breakfast cause Man I need my carbs for the rest of the day.* I sat in the sofa and watched *Not that serious.* Dragon Ball Z rerun in the TV *Here in the Philippines, they still broadcast it every weekends and it is in the Majinboo Saga now.*. Then I decided to sat in the front of my computer, opened winamp with Jpop Playlist playing, moments later played Warcraft 3 Defense of The Ancient and NBA Live 08. After that I watched some episodes of Lucky Star, you can start watching it from any episode without missing any part of the story, kinda Standalone Episode. It's not kinda renzoku, so it's okay to start anywhere. I never skipped the opening theme, sort of addiction to me and perhaps one of the reason I still watch it but the ending song, I don't care about it. But one time, I guess maybe I'm destined to see it, I happen to saw the segment where the real Shiraishi do some funny stuffs and sings Hare Hare Yukai, Miracle Mikurun, and Motteke Sailor Fuku, and other songs I don't know and was really hilarious. And finally I turned to the real thing, I watched Code Geass R2, I opted to wait for the season to end before giving it a shot and it did not disappoint me. I begun to love C. C. even more and Rolo's, brotherly love! Wow! *These is blasphemy. no these is Yaoi!* So I guess I spent that day on my computer for about 12 hours *Not straight cause I need to eat and stuffs, that's why I need my carbs by the way.*
Sunday always irritates me, cause it only means I only have a whole day to finish what I need to do before I go to work for the next day. But yesterday's Sunday is a different story. My friends and I went to AniCon, an event where gamers and anime enthusiast alike gather together to play hide-and-seek! Nah, you know what it is like. One of my friend who is so into stalking cosplayer, kinda scary you might think, got me into this as we always walking slowly behind cute cosplayers then will ask for their pictures! Hahahah. So our main objective there is to get as much pictures as possible in the during Cosplay Contest Event proper and Post-Contest where we can pose with them with all our glory. Filipino Cosplayers are very kind and they are always attentive to everyone who's asking for their photos. I feel sorry for them because before contest, they're waiting, standing in the line until the event crewmen finished the set and everything was seem to be in disarray. But all in all, a nice event, so many cute Cosplayers and gals, I even endured it without eating my "proper lunch" because of my "I might miss something" feeling when going out of the venue keep bothering me.
I guess I can feature here some of these anime-related events happening here in the Philippines in my future posts out from my spectator's point of view.

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